Calch / Written / ChaosCall

About the writer

Hi, I'm ChaosCall

but people generally just call me Chaos. I am currently 16 years old, turning 17 in a few weeks, and I am a passionate person. I like to put words to my imagination, and to paint a picture of my visions, which mostly are centered around a singular theme: Horror.

This is my first writing project, and it's been part of my life for around 3 years now. It all started as a simple minecraft map, or a minecraft puzzle map, that I was building for a friend. It quickly expanded from being a simple mental hospital to a mental hospital with weird patients, then to a mental hospital which did some shady stuff, and little by little turning into the universe built out of horror and sci-fi elements that we know today.

I have some very general interests that take up some of my time, and those are, writing, reading, listening to music and gaming. School is not my top priority, but I still try to do well.

    My current favorite story I've written is either In Your Head, Synthetic Paradise or Errormessage: Null. I will possibly add the story pages to this website, but I might not do that yet, just in case that I want to publish the stories as a book(s)

    I don't currently have any favorite books, or in particular stories, but I have become obsessed with Junji Ito's works, and I am actively reading the mangas that he has worked on.

    My current favorite artists are Kyle Stibbs and Ren Gill, I love the way they both express their feelings, and their creativity into songs, and how both of them are able to convey stories in such a powerful, and emotion-filled way.

    I also really like gaming, the weird thing is also that I enjoy playing games that make me frustrated. Sure I play Minecraft, horror games and such, and those are in general fun to play, but I also play Apex Legends and XDefiant. Both of those last two mentioned games, make me so frustrated sometimes that I say things that I probably shouldnt, but I still somehow find enjoyment in the games, maybe the feeling of satisfaction of winning makes it worth playing? Maybe this is my addiction? Who knows.

Now the generals about me. I would say that I am most of the time a pretty straightforward dude, I say what I mean when I feel comfortable enough to speak out, and I am nice to everyone. I keep my standards when it comes to people in general pretty low, the only thing people have to do, is keep my respect by just being a normal human being, and following the general norms.

But if you would ask my friends, they would probably describe me as someone much more complex then this, probably someone who is too hard on themselves, someone who is "too nice", whatever that is hehe, and someone intelligent, lets see, shall we?


    Chaos is a 17-year-old boy(?), born in the Netherlands but spent most of his life here in Norway. He is considerate, funny, understanding and maybe a little forgetful, but he always cares about others' well-being, and is the first to put his friends' comfort before himself. Chaos is a creative soul, who loves to write and create things around his own universe, which he spends a lot of time developing. At school, Leo is conscientious and willing to learn, curious about most things and dives deep into several topics that interest him. Live, Laugh, Chaos (didn't come up with a fifth sentence) -N

    He is kind to EVERYONE, even if they don't return it. FNAF is always something that's going to be in the back of his mind, no matter the situation. His ile makes everyone else smile. He has 2 moods, either completely dead and lacking energy or completely the opposite. Awesomesauce is part of his vocabulary and he is fkn funny -V

    He is a person who cares a lot about others. Someone who likes slightly geeky things like video games and comics. Someone with whom you can have both fun conversations, but also talk about serious things if you need to. Someone who always tries to accept and respect others- and a dork -S

And finally, we've come to this point, I am single, so damn single. I have so much love to give that I cannot release in any way, cause its romantic love, and there's the problem. I am a goddamn hopeless romantic, lmao